Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WOW! It's been a looong time!  Since Christmas so much has happened...Matt and I found out we are expecting our fourth child! We are really excited and looking forward to August when the baby will be here.  In the meantime, however, I've been very sick to my stomach.  I just couldn't think of much to write about with the all day gags and nausea.  Thankfully I'm starting to feel more like myself again and I felt the need to sit down and write something.  I know that once the baby comes this will be a great way for family to share our experiences and stay in touch.  I don't know if anyone is still reading this though, ha, ha! Oh well! If you are then thank you for not giving up on my blog. :)
Here are a few pictures:

James giving his new bear a bath at Build A Bear.  Loved shopping for the bear's outfit!  Why didn't they have this when we were little?!

 Jackson warming up with his team.  Go Warriors!

Taylor giving Chewy a much needed bath.  He looks so small when he's wet!
Thought this one was funny from Christmas...Mom playing cards with the boys!

The boys lounging at our hotel room over Christmas Break.  I think Jackson was introducing Taylor to "Christmas Vacation"...notice the smile on Jackson's face but confusion on Taylor's.  I can only imagine.
This one is called, "We're bored and we have a box!"  Never underestimate how much fun a box can be. :) 

The official crescent roll makers at Christmas! Yum!
 James making pizza at his Papa John's fieldtrip.
 The mortar wash finish on our house.  A big relief to see the color finally.
Driving past Home Depot in January.  Wait...what is that I see?  Flowers?!! So bizarre to this Indiana girl I had to take a picture.

And finally...introducing baby Wood #4!!  We can't wait to meet you!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas everyone!
We are getting ready to head north to Indiana in just a few days.  We are all so excited to be with family and friends and to celebrate Christmas with them.  The boys are counting down the days until they can play with their cousins!  There will be lots of laughter, Minecraft, Pokemon, and silly jokes...we can't wait! :)

We had our family Christmas here last weekend.  It was strange having Santa come so early and having Christmas in our new home state for first time.  We had a fun day, but I was feeling really homesick at the same time.  Around the holidays especially I think being away from home can be challenging, but I guess it's just more of the growing pains you go through when you move!  I'm sure we will get used to our new traditions over time and I'm just so thankful to have a loving family to celebrate with.  I know this time of year is difficult for so many own little world seems pretty nice when I think of all that some I know are going through right now.  I'm so glad for the our Savior, Jesus, and the hope he gives us no matter where we live or what our situation is!

Here is a Christmas song that I love.  It's not cheesy and annoying, I promise. :)  I heard it the other day and even though the song is about what took place over 2000 years ago when Christ was born, it really reflected the cry of my heart today:  "Come now our King.  We've been waiting, come now our King!" 

When Jesus returns He will not be a humble baby in a manger, but will come as a conqueror, strong and mighty:  "The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow.  His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.  When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and  I have the keys of Death and Hades."  Revelation 1:14-18

He has defeated death once and for all on the cross.  It is a free gift to anyone who will just receive it and believe.  What an awesome hope we have in Him this Christmas!  Come Lord Jesus!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hi there!
Wow, it's been a while since I've posted!  Let me make up for lost time by saying Happy Thanksgiving to you!  I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday.  I'm sorry I haven't been able to post.  We had a virus on our computer and Matt had to completely clear our hard drive and has been in the process of reconfiguring our computer for the last two weeks.  Anyways, it's good to be back!
So much has happened over the last month...the boys have been busy with school and we've been working hard on getting things ready for our new house.  They just finished the drywall and it's actually looking like a house now on the inside.  They also laid the hardwood floors this past weekend and the outside is being painted today.  It's getting very exciting!  This apartment experience has definitely brought us all "closer"...but not always in a good way, ha, ha! :) No, it really has been fun, but with three growing boys we will definitely be glad to have a little extra space.  I will be sure to post some pictures of the house soon!
Speaking of pictures, I do a have a few of our trip home to Indiana...

James visiting his Grandma Wood in Kokomo.  He was so excited to see her!

We also got to see Matt's sister Tami and my nephew Skyler.  Here are Taylor and Skyler playing with their special gaming cards. 

And there on the couch is the usual suspect Jackson, too cool to look at the camera.

Visiting with cousins Mya and Lauren.  We ate at 96th street steakburgers...YUM! There was a lot of laughter going on at this table! :)

Here is James with my mom.  She still had her cast on, but that didn't stop her from making lot's of fun memories with the boys.  (and, I have to add, four delicious pies!)

And here are a few randoms...

This is Taylor and I at Starbucks.  He had seen the pumpkin spice latte advertised and wanted to try it.  We opted for some steamed milk with the pumpkin flavor added. :)  A book for each of us, some free time, and some of the best conversation I've had...seriously this kid can teach you the most amazing things. I love his personality!

This is "Tom" with his arch nemesis "Jerry"! They play this all the time and it is hilarious! Somehow "Jerry" always seems to win!

More to come soon! 

P.S.  I can't believe it's Christmas already!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012's chilly here!  This past week was the first week we have had really cold weather.  It's been really rainy and dreary too.  Oh how I dread winter! For some reason, I didn't think it was going to get so cold down here in Tennesee...wishful thinking I guess!  We are five hours closer to the beach?! :) Anways, it was a busy week.  We had both of my sisters here with their husbands. All of the beloved cousins were here too.  The boys were SO excited to see them!  We've all been homesick lately and having them all here felt like "home" had been brought to us...there is nothing like family! 
 While they were here we did some fun things and explored some parts of Nashville we had not been to yet. We tried some new restaurants and checked out a few little shops. The kids played lot's of Pokemon, Minecraft, tag, and just had a blast being silly and laughing together. All in all it was a great weekend!

We visited Percy Warner Park which is in a beautiful section of Nashville called Belle Meade.  They have hiking trails and jogging paths that wind up around and through the hills.  It was fun, but also a good workout! 

The hikers are ready to go!
In deep conversation about the "banshees" that might be lurking in the forest.  Even Jackson is playing along! :)

 On the trail!  We passed one of Matt's co-workers while on the trail and he was going the opposite direction.  Today Matt was speaking to him again at work and he told Matt that about a minute after he passed us he saw Taylor Swift with her bodyguards!  She was going the same direction on the same trail as us, just a few minutes behind.  Darn!  I can't believe we missed her!!
Mya and Lauren finding a cool place to hide...
Where is your black coat, Kristi? :)

 At the Puffy Muffy, A.KA. the "puppy muffin".  Jackson looks thrilled to be taking another picture!
The "gamers".
Lauren with a yummy cinnamon roll.  She was not feeling well, but was such a trooper!

 Fun at the park.
They are all getting so big!
A cool shot of Jackson and Taylor at one of lookout spots in the park.  From the looks of this picture you would hardly know they were smacking each other a few seconds before! :)
Have a great week and a fun halloween!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

I thought it was time to post some more pictures for they are:
In Tennesee...
Matt and I goofing around in Franklin.  I think Jackson took this one...You have no idea how long it took to get this one photo! We had lot's of interference from Taylor and James.  :)
The boys and I at Chuck E Cheese. 

Enjoying these  last few warm days at the park with James!

We made a quick trip to Indiana last weekend. It felt so good to be "home"!
We visited our favorite Japanese restaurant, Izakaya.  It was sooo good!

Hanging out with cousins Mya and Lauren at Conner Prairie for the Headless Horseman.

At the puppet show!

On the hayride.  Little James was pretty quiet...but he says he wasn't scared at all! ;)

Taking some funny pictures...I love Mya's face!

Celebrating my dad's birthday!  Mmm, a cake from Taylor's bakery...oh I miss that place!  There is my mom in the background on crutches.  We were glad to get home and see her since she hasn't been able to walk for the past two weeks.

We are having vistors this week so more pictures to come soon!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hello there!
The blog looks a little different doesn't it?! I got tired of that gold/yellow floral pattern and decided it was time for a change. :) If you have ever been in my house, you probably know that my couch pillows fluctuate often, so this blog will probably follow suit and get a makeover every few months.  It's so fun to change out the old with something new!  Anyways, I hope this post finds everyone doing well and enjoying the beautiful fall weather.  It has just been gorgeous down here and I have been dying to share it with you.  I know I said I would post some pictures of the trees and hills, but I haven't quite gotten around to taking any pictures yet.  Actually I tried to get one tonight, but ended up nearly rolling down a huge hill and getting my foot caught in some was random and I think the boys must think I'm nuts...probably the construction crew working down the street too! And I didn't even get one good shot? Oh well!  Matt is out of town, so I think I will postpone my hiking until after he gets back.  :)
The reason why I am posting tonight is because I just want to share something that is on my heart.  I'm feeling so very thankful.  Thankful for my family and thankful for my health.  Most of all I am thankful to God and I just wanted to take this time to praise Him and share with you what has been going on in our lives for the past few weeks.  About a week after we moved in I was randomly scratching the top of my thigh and I suddenly felt a lump.  I looked down and wondered if it was some sort of bite, but it didn't have a head on it or any puncture and it was clearly not on top of the skin.  It was underneath and very hard, almost like a rock.  I waited a week to see if it would change, but it didn't so I went to the urgent care.  The doctor wanted to do an ultrasound, but we were in between insurance so he ended up just giving me an antibiotic.  After a week of being on the antibiotic there was no change.  I decided to wait a few more weeks to see if it would go down on it's own. It didn't and was still fixed and hard.  All the while I was getting very fearful.  This thing just wouldn't go away and so last week I decided to go to a regular doctor down here.  After he felt it he looked at me and told me it would probably have to be biopsied.  He said he wanted blood work done immediately and told me there was a possibility it could be a cancerous lymphoma or leukemia.  After hearing this the room started to spin as I sat there and I'm sure all the color had drained out of my face.  I felt shock that this could be happening.  He then paused and said, "You know what?  Let's just try one more week of a different antibiotic and then we'll move on to the more serious steps."  Well, after just  two days on the new antibiotic the lump started to shrink and today I went back to the doctor and found out all of my tests came back normal and everything looked fine.  It was such a relief! When the boys came home right I away I told them, "We're going to Chuck E Cheese!" :) Yes, I was so thrilled and thankful that Chuck E Cheese sounded like Disney World to just felt so good to be with my family and enjoy them!
I was served a major dose of humble pie this month and even though I would not want to go through that again I can say it was worth it to get my mind focused back onto what is really important. I have been so caught up in the move and our new house and all the details with that, I just lost that urgency of why we are really here.  I mean, why are we really here?  I can tell you that in the time I've been talking to God over the last several weeks I was not praying about a house or thinking about any of those things that had dominated my thoughts before this happened.  I was thinking only about two family of course, but more than anything my relationship with God.  I was in the grip of fear and all these things I have been counting on, planning on, dreaming about...they just felt so trivial and far off.  They could not help me in this hour of my life where I was facing uncertainty.  I had been holding on to all these things with all my might, but I didn't realize I was holding on to the wind.  Facing this reality check of my own  mortality, the substance of these other things faded away and there was nothing to hold on to anymore.  This life is temporary and I guess what I'm trying to say is that God is not.  He is eternal and forever.  When those cold blows of reality hit us, He does not fade like a mirage.  He gets stronger and more clear than anything we have ever seen with our eyes or dreamed about or planned for.  And throughout these past few weeks that is exactly what has happened in my life.  First, this realization of the emptiness of everything I spend so much time chasing after.  Then the in your face, red lights flashing in my soul of my need for need for His presence and to know that no matter what happens, I can be assured of life with Him forever through Jesus and His death on the cross.  And finally, through  understanding His love for me I was filled with His peace and strength.  Even though I did have many moments of fear, overall my usual hypochondriac self was unexplainably calm and I even thought to myself several times, "what is wrong with me?" :) I am natural born worrier times 10 (to the 100th power)!! But that is what God does for us when we give our lives to Him...He is able to accomplish the things we could not do on our own.  He has been working on me and letting me know that He wants to do this everyday, not just in a crisis.  He is so loyal and so faithful in all things and I want to write it and say it outloud because I know He has been with me through all of this. 
Anyway, I hope this might encourage you too, with whatever you might be going through right now.   

P.S. Here is a video to one of my favorite encouraging!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hello there-
It's been awhile!  I intended to update this post with pictures from our trip to Indiana, but sadly I don't have a single picture to show from it.  Our whole family has had the stomach flu...yuck!  Jackson came down with it first when we arrived at my mom and dad's house late Friday night.  The next day I started feeling bad and got very sick.  We headed back early Sunday so that Jackson and I could rest and my mom and dad could be free of our nasty germs!  On Monday Taylor and Matt ended up getting it and James got it on Tuesday. So now it's been through our whole house and hopefully it is on it's way out never to return for many, many years! I absolutely hate any kind of stomach illness and this was an especially contagious and bad strain.  In fact, it was so bad that Taylor actually fainted.  I got a call Monday from his school that he had gotten sick in class and had passed out while in the nurses office and hit his head.  He's doing fine now, but it was really scary!  He has never fainted, so it really bothered me that this flu bug affected him that way.  The funny part about it was that the first thing I saw when I pulled up to get him was an ambulance parked out in front of the school and so I totally panicked! (I didn't know it was for the fire-safety program).  It must have been quite a sight when I pulled up, jumped out of my car and ran in that office with my no shower for three days hair-do, death warmed over complexion, ten-year-old sweatpants, and socks with sandals look.  :) I didn't even stop to sign in or look at the front desk, but raced past them down the hall to the nurses office and was in tears when I reached Taylor.  I think that nurse was a little taken aback, but  I was so relieved when I realized that ambulance wasn't for him.  He is doing fine thankfully and is back at school today!
On a lighter note, the leaves are starting to change around here and I'm so excited for fall!  I will post some pictures of the beautiful scenery soon!

Here are a few of the pictures I do have:

James on the couch this morning feeling better, yay!  He's a loner today as the other two are back at school, but thank goodness!  They had a flu bug pow-wow in the living room yesterday and there were lots of tempers know it's bad when your kids are fighting over who threw-up the most!  :)

Here's one of Jackson I took the other day with his model of a plant cell that he made for a science project.  I had to post this because he was trying to be so stone-faced and cool, like any typical teenager...
But then  this....
And this!
I love it when I can still catch him being that silly little Jackson I used to know!!